Thinner (1996)★★★★★

I really like this movie. I also really like this book. This is probably my favorite film adaptation of a Stephen King story (though it may be tied with The Shawshank Redemption). It’s definitely one of my favorite Stephen King novels, and I think one of the first of his books that I’ve read.
It’s just such a good story. Who hasn’t worried that karma was going to get them for something? Sure, sure, a gypsy curse isn’t quite “karma” but wow, everyone gets what’s coming to them in this.
And it’s so well cast! Joe Mantegna is fantastic, Robert John Burke is haunting (though I couldn’t stop hearing Bart Bass speaking…), and Kari Wuhrer is mostly believable.
I have to say this is my favorite Tom Holland film. Fright Night was okay, but this was great. I really respect Tom Holland’s screenwriting abilities after watching this. He somehow manages to perfectly capture all of the important parts without making a bloated film.
There’s no part of this that feels slow, from the familial character development in the opening scene to the bloody end (pun intended). This is definitely one for the horror fans out there, but I’d highly recommend it to any of them.