Underwater (2020)★★★★☆

This may not be a great movie, but it is a dark movie. Not in tone, although there’s a bit of that, but in lighting. I get it, I get it, you’re underwater (see what I did there?), it’s dark…but that doesn’t make for easy viewing unless you’ve got a large, bright screen and a very dark room.
The primary appeal of this movie, at least for me, is Kristen Stewart (sporting a cute blonde buzz cut) running around barely clothed for most of the movie. But I’m not going to lie, that was a huge appeal for me.
(Maybe spoilers?) This movie starts right in the middle of the terrifying action, which makes things tense, but doesn’t allow for much character development. A few things are thrown in here and there (oh, these two are in love! he can’t remember how old is daughter is - or can he? her fiancé was his best friend!), but they feel thrown in there rather than organic.
It’s a pretty stellar cast overall - Vincent Cassel! Mamoudou Athie! John Gallagher Jr.! And TJ Miller is also in it.
There’s not a lot of story here, but it’s a pretty quick watch, and as I said, Kristen Stewart spends much of the movie running around barely clothed. Make of all that what you will.