Unsane (2018)★★★★☆

I can’t believe I hadn’t seen this movie before! It seems right up my alley - Steven Soderbergh directed, shot entirely on an iPhone 7 Plus, some familiar faces in the mix.
So yeah, I liked it.
I found the iPhone cinematography a little disorienting at first, but less so than shaky handi-cam scenes, so it wasn’t too bad. I think more disorienting was the lack of background music for most of it!
Overall this was well-paced (another short-feeling shorter film!), there’s a lot going on that mostly fit together nicely, and the acting was good (even if Claire Foy’s Boston accent was questionable and ever-changing).
I personally find the conceit of involuntary commitment terrifying, so that, I’m sure, added to the overall creep factor for me, and I think I’d recommend this one pretty broadly.