Village of the Damned (1960)★★★★☆

This is partially a nostalgia-driven rating, but also this is truly just a classic horror movie. Made on a shoestring budget with minimal special effects, this movie is apparently a pretty faithful adaptation of John Wyndham’s The Midwich Cuckoos, which I admittedly still have yet to read.
It’s also one of very few 1960’s horror films I’ve seen, and particularly that I had already seen prior to starting this site (hence the nostalgia).
It’s short, it’s intriguing from the start, and it hinges on the performance of a bunch of actual kids. And they’re great! So creepy! Especially Martin Stephens as David.
I almost feel like I should have saved Vivarium for after these movies, since it also references the cuckoo. Oh well. On to John Carpenter’s remake tomorrow, I suppose.