Village of the Damned (1995)★★★☆☆

I wish this movie were better. I think it might be the oldest remake I’ve watched yet? It’s old enough to be a Throwback Thursday pick itself!
And it’s John Carpenter. I like John Carpenter! But the original was a short, subtle movie, and this one was…not subtle.
It’s only about 10 minutes longer than the original, but makes some odd pacing choices that make it feel longer.
And while I like Thomas Dekker and Lindsey Haun, the children just weren’t as scary, and the brightly colored effects didn’t land as well as the black and white (ugh, especially the very last scenes with the group).
I have some nostalgia for this, I remember watching it around when it came out, but not enough nostalgia to push it past the “just okay” rating, despite the John Carpenter of it all.