Visions (2015)★★★★☆

This was another Netflix recommendation, and I have to say that Netflix has been on point lately. I really enjoyed this one.
The opening sequence was neat, and the background music was perfect. I also figured it was off to a great start when the opening credits listed Isla Fisher, Gillian Jacobs, John de Lancie, Jim Parsons, and Eva Longoria, and I was not disappointed. Everyone in the cast was awesome.
This was a movie with a definite twist at the end, and one I didn’t see coming at all. That said, it was set up well enough that the reveal was engrossing and believable, and I didn’t feel lost during the climactic moments. The pacing was great, and I found myself unable to turn away for most of the film.
I’ve realized I like movies (like this one) where it’s hard to tell whether what’s happening is real or in someone’s head. There’s something about psychosis that’s truly scary and yet somehow relatable. When a movie gets this right, the audience empathizes with the character on screen and is drawn into their psychosis. That feeling of uncertainty, of not knowing what’s actually happening, makes a scary story that much scarier.