What Keeps You Alive (2018)★★★★☆

When I was watching (and not totally enjoying) Jigsaw I was thinking a few of the actors looked really familiar (in addition to a barely recognizable Laura Vandervoort), and it turns out, yes, two of them are in THIS movie I’d seen before.
So I watched this again. I do think Hannah Emily Anderson and Brittany Allen were far better used and gave far better performances in this than Jigsaw.
I also just learned that Brittany Allen (Jules) was the film’s composer, as well! I think it was an excellent score, made more impressive knowing Allen had “never scored anything before”.
This movie has some odd pacing issues, where it starts out pretty interesting, it ends pretty interesting, but there’s a lot of weird slowness in the middle?
But once things start getting creepy, they stay creepy, and then they get pretty terrifying.
Sure, this is one of those movies where there’s only really three ways it can end… but getting to that ending was pretty interesting.
It’s not perfect, but I did find this entertaining, even if I didn’t totally believe the chemistry between Jules and Jackie from the start.