Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)★★★★☆

I decided to finally watch this today in honor of Presidents’ Day. I’m actually kind of sad I never watched it before. It was great!
I had no idea it had such a great cast. I love Mary Elizabeth Winstead, and though I already knew Anthony Mackie was a badass, he was bad ass in this movie. I hadn’t seen Benjamin Walker in anything before this, but I thought he was great as Abraham Lincoln. Oh, and Alan Tudyk even makes an appearance!
I wouldn’t really call it a “scary story,” though the vampires were scary. It was more like…a historical fantasy action film? The climactic moments were genuinely climactic, though the train scene might have been a bit over the top. The background score was great, though I could have done without the Linkin Park song at the end. And the movie itself was really well done, though I could have done without the slow motion sequences.
But wow. Overall, this was a really neat take on history you’ve probably heard a million times, and though there were a few times it dragged on, it was much much better than I expected. If you want to see storytelling done well, watch this film.