Alien: Covenant (2017)★★★★☆

So, Alien: Romulus is coming out in theaters next month, which means it’ll probably be another couple of months until I get around to watching it at home, but I am excited for it! So I’m (re)watching this in anticipation, and because it wasn’t yet released in 2016.
This one is a (mostly) direct sequel to Prometheus, taking place 11 years after its events (aside from the prologue), so still a prequel to the rest of the Alien films (…not counting the Predator crossovers, none of which I’ve seen, so I don’t know where those fit in chronologically).
Michael Fassbender is still SO GOOD as David and Walter. Honestly, David was the best thing about Prometheus and maybe still the best thing about this movie. And I feel like Guy Pearce is generally great in everything he does. I also really enjoyed Danny McBride in this. And it was nice to see Katherine Waterston getting to be pretty badass.
And I just really think the xenomorphs are a terrifying, interesting antagonist. Juse pure killing creatures, with many methods of killing, and there’s no “reasoning” with them. You can’t hope for diplomatic resolution with them, the best you can hope for is escape…and failing that, a quick death.
I know I recently mentioned that the Insidious films were the franchise I rated the highest overall…but the Alien franchise comes pretty close. (If only Alien: Resurrection had been just a little better…) I liked this movie, and I’m on board (pun intended) with seeing Alien: Romulus in a few months!