April Fools (2007)★★☆☆☆

Okay, this isn’t the worst movie I’ve watched this year, but it might have the worst cinematography?
Like, it’s supposedly made in 2007, but I swear you wouldn’t know it from the film. On top of the grainy picture quality, the weird black and white slow-motion sequences, and the absolutely awful staged stabbings…
A character receives a VHS tape? to watch of the murder??
Anyway, I want you all to know that I went to the trouble of BUYING THIS MOVIE ON DVD and breaking out my Playstation 3 to watch it. I expected it to be pretty awful. And that’s about what it was.
But it has Lamorne Morris in it! And it’s the shortest movie I’ve watched for this site by 6 minutes! So it can have a second star.
But really, don’t watch this, or joke’s on you.