Black Christmas (2019)★★★★☆

I’m a little frustrated because I feel like this film was SO CLOSE to being a five-star film, but its pacing was way off. They saved the interesting and action-packed parts for the last 20 minutes while dragging some of the other themes on too long? And I think that was a mistake.
I like Imogen Poots, and I thought her chemistry with her sorority sisters was pretty good in this. I also thought Lily Donoghue, who played Marty, was the spitting image of Olivia Hussey, who was in the original. I’d wonder if that’s why she was cast, but I thought she delivered a great performance and I’d be happy to see her in more things!
Cary Elwes is so interesting as an actor to me. I can never quite tell if he has a lot of range…but I really like him?
Anyway, I wasn’t sure if another remake after the 2006 version was necessary, but I can understand why this one got made. I don’t think it quite landed all the ambition it had for itself, but I genuinely enjoyed most of this. I don’t want to spoil too much here, but I will happily say “fuck the patriarchy” and recommend you give this a watch.