Children of the Corn (1984)★★★★☆

I’m surprised I haven’t already reviewed a Stephen King adaptation. I realized this was one I hadn’t already seen or read, which is impressive because I’ve seen and read a lot of Stephen King. Like, a lot. Anyway, it seemed like an appropriate choice for my first Stephen King review.
I may be a bit biased, but I haven’t met a Stephen King adaptation I don’t like. I think it’s partly because King is so great at describing scenes in such detail that a visual adaptation can’t help but be true to the original.
This one was, perhaps unsurprisingly, no different. I hadn’t realized (or had forgotten) that Linda Hamilton was one of the two main characters, and though I didn’t recognize Peter Horton from anything else, I was impressed with the chemistry they shared.
And the kids? Yeah, they were creepy. Not unbelievably so, however – their acting was convincing throughout. Especially that Isaac kid. What a creeper.
The opening was reasonably scary and the background music was done perfectly throughout. Without being too over-the-top gory, this movie is definitely scary. The tension builds and builds and it’s never clear what’s going to happen next. I’m probably not going to rush to watch all of the sequels, though.