Follow Me (2020)★★★★☆

I worry it’s going to be difficult to say too much about this movie without spoiling it, but I’m going to try, because I liked it more than I anticipated.
It’s always risky to watch a scary movie I’ve never heard of starring a bunch of actors I’ve also never heard of. And it’s super disappointing when the story isn’t good and the acting is worse. Luckily this one wasn’t so disappointing.
While the story could have been better (or at least the backstory more compelling), I was genuinely impressed with the performances. I felt like everyone was suitably scared, like the personalities the story claimed them to have seemed to fit, and like they could all have been at least relatively acquainted with each other.
The mild spoiler I’ll share is that a lot about this movie reminded me of Hostel. In multiple ways. The ending of this movie reminded me of one of my favorite scary movies, but I feel it would be too much of a spoiler to name drop that one.
Anyway, I learned last month that I like escape rooms, but probably not this kind of escape room. I did like this movie, though.