I See You (2019)★★★★☆

I went back and forth a bit on how highly to rate this movie, but it eventually won me over. There are a lot of pieces that don’t add up…until they do, and then they really add up.
(Spoilers ahead) This is another movie that’s really hard to say much about without spoiling things. It starts out feeling like a slow-burn supernatural thriller and ends with, quite literally, a bang.
I found parts of this movie a little hard to follow on my initial viewing, but it’s kind of late and I’m very tired, so that may have exacerbated things. I actually think this movie tries to be respectful of its audience’s intelligence and doesn’t flasback-montage you upon the reveals, which I appreciate…but because there’s so much going on, it still feels a little confusing and messy.
But the acting is good, the story eventually comes together, and the ending is reasonably satisfying.
I don’t really know who I’d recommend this one to. It’s interesting, and it has its creepy moments, but it ends up being pretty dark and depressing in ways you wouldn’t necessarily expect going into it?