Level 16 (2018)★★★☆☆

Okay, I feel like this movie was better the first time I watched it? And yeah, there’s some of that “well, obviously” because I already know most of the answers this second time around, but… I don’t think that’s all.
This movie is slower than it should be. The set up from the beginning is a familiar one, especially to sci-fi/horror/dystopia fans. But they drag it out, so that you, the audience, are just impatiently waiting for the girls to figure things out for themselves.
And they do. And it’s more of the same familiar stuff. Slowly revealed/explained to you. Sometimes very slowly.
Which isn’t to say it’s not an interesting story, because it is! And I thought the girls all delivered great performances! Even blondie (Miss Brixil), who reminded me of Jessica Chastain a bit, was pretty good!
If you’re expecting startling reveals, a new and original story, or an epically satisfying ending, you likely won’t find any of that here. But it’s not too bad, and it’s a relatively easy watch (despite the dragging periods).