Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones (2014)★★★☆☆

I found this one slightly more interesting than last night’s film but not quite as interesting as the first three films. Spoilers ahead.
This one starts out slowly but picks up the pace about halfway through. Before that it feels like either there’s no story at all, or the story is really hard to follow, and it’s hard to tell exactly which.
But along with the pacing, the storyline picks up about halfway through as well. This film provides the most detailed information about the coven and the supernatural entity of all the other films so far. It answers several of the questions I had, although it still doesn’t explain the name Toby.
I like how at this point, Katie does the same things in every film. The same weird, trance-induced, murderous things. And I was happy to see Molly Ephraim’s Ali Rey back in this one!
The GoPro camera format has the benefit of not having to downscale the visuals but the disadvantage of, well, being a GoPro. Definitely don’t watch this movie if you’re prone to motion sickness. Now that I think about it, the GoPro format might be a major contributor to the story’s early perplexity.
Basically, this movie is worth watching if you’ve already watched (and liked) the first four, but isn’t anything special otherwise.