Scream (2022)★★★☆☆

I first saw this movie on a plane in 2022. It turns out I hadn’t actually seen the previous film before, so there were some references (the lemon squares?) I didn’t catch until this viewing, but otherwise I don’t feel like I missed much. I was under the (mistaken) impression this movie was supposed to be a full reboot anyway, so I wasn’t expecting to need the context when I watched it the first time - and I didn’t, the story made sense to me.
Ultimately, this movie didn’t feel as long as the last one, it had some interesting new characters, and some BIG. “REQUEL”. SURPRISES. So it’s a three-star movie.
It’s fine. I, however, am not fine. I think I had the right idea last time watching a series over several weeks in a row versus several days in a row. I might have to make some calendar adjustments later this year to avoid the kind of franchise burnout I’m currently feeling.
For now though, let’s just see how I feel about tomorrow’s movie (the last one released in the series as of today).