Scream 3 (2000)★★★☆☆

Oh, did I forget to mention yesterday that I’d be watching all the remaining movies from the Scream franchise this week? Hope you don’t mind!
I’m a little worried I might mind by the end of it…I’m not sure I ever saw this one or Scream 4. Some scenes felt familiar but it could just be because there’s not a whole lot of “new” in this.
There were, once again, a lot of familiar faces in this one - but at least they mostly had substantive roles. This movie was fine, again. I dont understand why all the Scream movies are so long, though. It doesn’t feel quite necessary, like the action isn’t tight enough in any of these films to justify the length.
I’m also, two decades later, a little surprised that Wes Craven directed all four of the pre-2022 “reboot” sequels…but I guess I’m not yet totally dreading tomorrow. On the one hand, it’s nice that neither sequel has been terrible? Of course, I do love when a movie refers to itself as a “final chapter” - especially when new installments in the franchise pop up years later.