Scream VI (2023)★★★☆☆

Okay, I’m glad this is the last Scream movie I have to watch this year. And honestly, I was prepared for this to be way worse than it was. You read about things being “critically panned” and it gets in your head and…yeah.
And yet, once again, this movie was fine.
(Maybe spoilers?) Actually, I quite liked this movie for most of it. I liked the twist on the opening sequence, I liked the change of scenery, and I loved the scene with Ghostface holding a shotgun.
But then, once again, the movie just. Kept. Going. And it got pretty silly. Like, there’s a literal nostalgia museum? And the reveal is pretty silly. And there are some big plot holes. And it’s fine.
That said, this movie has confirmed my desire for a train party and definitely not a subway party.
Also, look, I love “Red Right Hand” a whole bunch, but I don’t think it needs to be in EVERY slasher film. I’m pretty sure it was in EVERY Scream movie.
…Ah, Wikipedia says Scream 4 was the only one to NOT feature the song. Maybe that’s why I didn’t like it? Wait…do I need to revise my “Red Right Hand shouldn’t be in every slasher film” mentality?