The Atticus Institute (2015)★★★☆☆

What’s with all these relatively short movies feeling like they’re dragging on so slowly? I kept kind of losing interest in things, but I ultimately found a good amount to like here.
I think it tries to be a unique take on a pretty standard scary story, but doesn’t always succeed.
It has some creepy moments and a creepy vibe, and everyone’s pretty good in it (despite some of the more recognizable faces making it a little hard to buy the mockumentary framing). I enjoyed the story they were trying to tell overall, and I appreciated the different views and perspectives between the time periods.
I do think it relies on jump scares a few too many times, and they’re not all paced well - so there are stretches that seem to drag on without too much happening at all. And not in a way that’s really building tension.
Oh, and the ending scene is a bit much. I literally laughed out loud at that one.