The Last Horror Movie (2004)★★★☆☆

I don’t remember how or where I heard about this movie, but I did. A few IMDB reviews relate it to American Psycho - one even calling it the BETTER American Psycho! I wouldn’t go that far, but I can understand the comparison. And also I’m adding American Psycho to the calendar…
Anyway, this was short, and the premise is interesting, but the execution falls a bit flat. This movie was released in the early 2000’s (like April Fools!), and also like April Fools, has some weird anachronisms that don’t quite mesh with the rest of the film.
I’ll admit this does feel like a low-budget film. It’s somewhat interesting, but not very scary. But it’s short, and Max has a British accent, so he’s easy enough to listen to. Which is good, because most of this movie is just him talking.