Parasomnia (2008)★★★★☆

I don’t know how to say this nicely, and I don’t really know why this was my first impression, but this movie had no right to be as good as it was?
I mean, seriously, a lot of this movie is kind of a mess. The camerawork is all over the place, shaky when it makes no sense, and the whole film looks like it was shot with a blue filter.
The performances are mostly okay, but the dream sequences are SO laughable. Volpe is an intriguing character and antagonist, but his actual scenes are also pretty laughable.
And what’s with all the HIPAA violations? Guy just walks into a patient room, tells the doctor he’s just having a look, and the doctor tells him her name, her medical details, and that she has no family? There’s the real nightmare.
AND YET…against all odds, I liked this movie. Maybe it was the Jeffrey Combs of it all, or the Alison Brie of it all (there’s admittedly significantly less Alison Brie than Jeffrey Combs). Or maybe I was just in a generous mood. YMMV?