The Babadook (2014)

The Babadook was all I heard about in horror movies for months last year, and worried it wouldn’t live up to its hype, I decided not to watch it until that hype had died down somewhat.

Well, I finally watched it! And I was pleasantly surprised to find that the movie started out strong and stayed strong throughout.

6 Plots (2012)

I liked this movie more than I should probably admit. I haven’t found too many Australian horror films that I can get into, but this one was engaging from the beginning and didn’t let up throughout. Sure, it’s your average “I’d like to play a game”-type slasher film, but it’s above average in two ways: the acting, and the music.

Antisocial (2013)

I thought I’d start my 366 days of horror with a movie about New Year’s Eve…and the dangers of social media.

Okay, so it’s mostly about the latter and only minimally about the former, but it’s great. Take several young, relatively unknown actors with a decent amount of talent and working chemistry, add in a virus that turns its infected into raving murderers and is spread by…well, I don’t want to spoil it for you.

There are some neat effects, particularly when you start seeing what the infected see, and a great scene with a string of Christmas lights.